The Engineering Identity of Afterschool Educators

By Emma Carey

When I first heard about joining science, technology, engineering, and math into the acronym STEM, it just sounded like a list to me. I thought, “That’s nice, that multiple subjects are being taught together. But I still only really like science.” I wondered why these topics were lumped together, and what exactly the connections were among the four subjects, beyond the vague connections of numbers and data. And, why, all of a sudden, did my interest in one subject suddenly mean I might be working with all of them?




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The Afterschool Matters Initiative is managed by the National Institute on Out-of-School Time, a program of the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College

Georgia Hall, PhD, is Managing Editor of the Afterschool Matters Journal

Wellesley Centers for Women
Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481-8203 USA

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